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A progressive approach to quality, health and safety.

Doing the right thing by our clients, local communities and the environment starts with the right training, processes and systems. And, of course, continuously improving them. Quality in everything To deliver the highest quality service and outcomes for our clients, we have to adhere to the highest quality standards throughout our business.


That’s why we have established a sound qualityfocused training framework for our employees, along with a comprehensive Quality Management System based on the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001: 2008.


Our Total Safety Culture We’re committed to safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of our employees, clients and visitors.

With a target of Zero Harm, we embrace the following Total Safety Culture principles:


  • Our positive belief that all injuries and incidents can be prevented.

  • Our acceptance that we’re all responsible for preventing injuries or incidents.

  • Our commitment that we will never compromise safety for productivity or profit.

  • Our understanding that no job will start or continue if there is an element of doubt about achieving a safe outcome.

  • Our obligation to continually monitor and evolve our Health and Safety training to meet our team’s changing requirements.

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